October 21, 2019
Korea’s Natural Resource — People

4 min read Korea’s economic development, often described as the miracle on the Han River, was no miracle. It was a direct result of the effective and efficient leveraging of the only natural resource Korea has always had in abundance: the will of its people. Sandwiched between Japan and China, with virtually no natural resources to speak of, […]

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September 30, 2019
The 10 Things That I look For in a Hire

3 min read If you reflect into a mirror at yourself, you probably do not see yourself the way others see you. Not only your appearance, but your actions, body gestures all give distinct clues to who you really are. It is a fact that a singer hears herself differently than the audience hears her. The singer, when […]

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August 23, 2019
3 Cross-cultural Things to Know For Success

3 min read Accepting an overseas assignment, or work in a country other than one’s home country can be both exciting and daunting. Usually, the move preparation time is short, and that can add tension to the process of relocation. Then, there is the new job, in a new market to think about.

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July 25, 2019

4 min read By Guest Author Dr. Horace H. UnderwoodProfessor Emeritus, Yonsei University Two of the most common first impressions that foreigners have of Koreans are that they are incredibly polite and that they are incredibly rude. In fact, the courtesy and kindness of Koreans is legendary and attested to by thousands of people who are fortunate enough […]

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July 22, 2019
One Mistake Country Managers Should Avoid To Be Successful

2 min read Leading a multinational organization in South Korea or any country outside your home country poses unique obstacles. But, you are not alone as many expat country managers share the same challenges. To be successful on a foreign assignment leaders should avoid making these three mistakes, Resisting Change, Not Communicating Effectively, and Not Understanding Cross-cultural Differences.

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June 25, 2019
Job Security How Do I Get It?

4 min read Job security everyone wants, but few do anything about achieving it. Perhaps it is because the first step is the hardest step. Following a pattern or proven strategy can be helpful in getting that first movement towards an objective. Start here and discover the eight steps that will help you manage your career and gain the job security that you desire.

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May 18, 2019
Honesty vs. Loyalty: Which is More Important?

4 min read By Guest Author Dr. Horace H. UnderwoodProfessor Emeritus, Yonsei University In Korea as in the West, honesty and loyalty are both virtues. In the West, in general, honesty is the higher virtue. In a Confucian society like Korea, loyalty is the higher virtue. Who is to choose? The difference is deeply rooted in Korean culture […]

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November 29, 2016
Selecting Superior Employees

4 min read 4 Valuable Things to Focus on. Superstars: Fact or Fiction. I always like the 80/20 rule. Pareto Principle eighty percent of the work is done by twenty percent of the people. That’s fine, but how do we identify and take care of the twenty percent? How do we be sure we are hiring one of […]

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May 13, 2015
Who Needs a Business Coach? You Do.

3 min read When struggling to reach higher, we can all use some extra help. There are really three roles, three types of helping hands we come across in our lives as we endeavor to learn and grow - the teacher, the mentor, and the coach. At schools we’re given teachers. At companies we’re often offered mentors. Those […]

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